Local Endeavors for HIV/AIDS
Prevention and Treatment

About LEAP

Local Endeavors for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment  Activity, also known as LEAP is a 5-year key population intervention being implemented in Malawi by Pakachere Institute for Health and Development Communication (Pakachere IHDC) with support from The President’s Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).  

LEAP aims to improve access to and uptake of HIV prevention, care and treatment services amongst female sex workers (FSWs), Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW), their biological children and male sexual partners, through evidence-based combination of biomedical, behavioral and structural interventions to reduce transmission of HIV and improve health outcomes.

Project Result Areas

How we work

LEAP follows key populations across a continuum of HIV prevention and treatment services. These services are delivered using client-centered and human rights  based approaches.

Peer Education:

A cadre of trained peer educators work with female sex workers (FSWs) to provide HIV prevention information. Social and behavior change communication is a critical part of this intervention.

Peer Navigation:

A cadre of peer navigators support FSWs living with HIV with treatment adherence counselling and promotion of viral load testing services.

HIV Services

Clinical teams deliver Integrated and client centres HIV services through DICs, Outreach Clinics and referrals to public facilities.


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